The GSI127 is a galvanic separation unit from VM product line. It is designed for operation with the signal conditioners, charge amplifiers and electronics (attached or integrated) used by various VM measurement chains and/or sensors.Compatible devices include the IPC707 signal conditioners (charge amplifiers) used by CAxxx piezoelectric accelerometers and CPxxx dynamic pressure sensors (and older IPC704 signal conditioners too), the IQS9xx signal conditioners used by TQ9xx proximity sensors (and older IQS4xx signal conditioners too), the attached or integrated electronics used by CExxx piezoelectric accelerometers, and the integrated electronics used by the VE210 velocity sensor. The GSI127 is also compatible with industry standard IEPE (integrated electronics piezo electric) vibration sensors, that is, the integrated electronics used by constant-current voltage output sensors such as the CE620 and PV660 (and older CE680, CE110I and PV102 sensors too).
The GSI127 is also compatible with industry standard IEPE (integrated electronics piezo electric) vibration sensors, that is, the integrated electronics used by constant-current voltageoutput sensors such as the CE620 and PV660 (and older CE680, CE110I and PV102 sensors too).
The GSI127 galvanic separation unit is a versatile unit that can is used for the transmission of high frequency AC signals over long distances in measurement chains using current-signal transmission or as a safety barrier unit in measurement chains using voltage-signal transmission. More generally, it may be used to supply any electronic system (sensor side) having a consumption of up to 22 mA.
The GSI127 also rejects a large amount of the frame voltage that can introduce noise into a measurement chain. (Frame voltage is the ground noise and AC noise pickup that can occur between the sensor case (sensor ground) and the monitoring system (electronic ground)). In addition, its redesigned internal power supply results in a floating output signal, eliminating the need for an additional external power supply such as an APF19x.
The GSI127 is certified to be installed in an Ex Zone 2 (nA) when supplying measurement chains installed in Ex environments up to Zone 0 ([ia]). The unit also eliminates the need for additional external Zener barriers in intrinsic safety (Ex i) applications.
The GSI127 housing features removable screw terminal connectors that can unplugged from the main body of the housing to simplify installation and mounting. It also features a DIN-rail mounting adaptor that allows it to be mounted directly on a DIN rail.
All dimensions are in mm (in) unless otherwise stated.
For standard versions of the GSI127, the housing is completely grey in colour.
For Ex approved versions of the GSI127, the housing is grey in colour but with a screw-terminal connector (top) for sensor-side signals (electrical connections) that is blue in colour.
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