1. How to download the zello or realptt’s apk ?

    Down load the driver and the apk on the computer first, the radio connect the computer , the bottom connor、r on the computer show “√” which mean you connect successful.

    Unzip the zello apk file we sent you, double click the "CMD", and enter "APK " on the computer keyboard. Then click the "Tab", "Enter". Wait a moment enter"ZELLO" Then click the "Tab", "Enter". So the computer start insert ZELLO (Realptt).

  2. Does NH-98 and NH-96 walkie talkie can download the zello and realptt on the radio together?

    Yes. they can. But it can't work at the same time.

    3.What type of earpiece jack is the NH-98, NH-96?

    K jack.

    4.If i not have the zello and realppt platform account, what should i do?

    It’s ok. You can choose our own platform, Liantongda platform.

    5.Does it can insert 2 SIM card?


    6.NH-96,P1 and P2 buttons only work in the trutalk app? or can i program them with real ptt?

    Button adaptation is fixed

    NH-98,NH-96, NH-699 4g walkie talkie has GPS functions, as long as the platform you use it support GPS, then you can check.

    The programming cable is different which means you need to buy it separately.